The city I am in is called Gemünden. It is a small city outside of Würzburg. It is a really cute town, with a big river flowing through it called "Mein". We are in this part pf Bavaria because my Hostys brother lives here. Yesterday we had dinner with them. It was a picture perfect german meal. For all of you who do not know, Bavaria is what Americans think the whole of germany is like. Here they actually wear Dirndls, eat wurst, and drink LOTS of Beer. Because I am living in the north we actually do not have Dirndls, or eat as much wurst. The north is more fishermen.
It is really funny to me, because Northern Germans think Bavarians are really strange, and Bavarians think the same right back. Also, the bavarian accent is much different. It sounds like german mixed with a thick irish accent to me. I love it.
So I am so excited to be trying all of this! It feels like a whole different country.
So let me get back to dinner, it was picture perfect. We ate this meat thing, called "leberkase" which translates to living cheese. But the funny thing is that it was not living, or cheese. When I asked the wife of the brother (her name is Grenada, and he is Heins-Otto, very german) she said "ohh das ist fleisch" meaning "well thats meat". "Yes, but what exactly?" (I was speaking all in german) She told me it was a mixture of cow and pig. Thoughts in my head (RUN. RUN FAST, fast and far and get out of here) but on the outside, at least I think, I looked pretty calm. But I cant control my face, so perhaps a problem. It tasted like. hotdog.
Then we had pretzels, sweet mustard, potato salad, and beer. Like a true german. It was all suprisingly really delicious! After dinner I tried on there daughters Drindl. I was really feeling german then.
A very famous wurst in Bavaria is called "Weiß Wurst" like white wurst. I will eat that soon. But Otto was saying how Bavaria is "bordered by a white wurst equator" figuratively speaking of course...and that the worlds greatest humans live under this equator, and all the weirdos live above it. This is the humor they use to separate the two parts of the country. I love it.
Today, I went to the city of Gemünden. We walked the 3km to the center. There is this castle at the top of the city, so we checked that out, and then went to have coffee and cake afterwards.
It was wonderful!! Tommorow we will go to another castle, and to a year round christmas food store. Also......pray for me...because I will be eating COWS FEET. feet. feet. (it just echoes in my brain), then....blood wurst...yes, blood. GULP. I was going to eat Cow Brain as well, but we are not so sure we can find it. So, gulp. You will get another post soon, if I survive. :)
The lovely Apple Cake and Coffee
Gemünden (Amira, the lovely host dog)
These hilly things, what are they called in English. This has become a struggle, they are called Bourgs in german.
Ok Thank You for reading this forever long post!! I am loving Germany, every second of it! (Even if I am eating parts of animals that shouldnt be eaten ;) )
*As usual I cant check the spelling on this, so deal with it you grammar freaks! ;)*
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