There are some many differences here in this great country!
1: Wires
In the US, I bet it is no big deal to see wires strapped all around the streets. But, here in Germany everything is buried underground. I did not even notice this until recently. I was having a conversation about Amish people (they don't have them here). I told them you cant even see the wires out on country roads...and then it occurred to me you can see any here!

2: Caller ID
Caller ID? Nope that one does not exists here. So then you may assume there is a lot of prank calling..but surprisingly not. There are actually a lot more phone stalkers.People who breath, dont talk, or just call and hang up. There are many campaigns here that encourage you to blow a whistle into the phone.Apparently this completely distorts on the other end. ...Am I too young to know something like this or is it just German? (I heard this also works for telemarketers...eeek)
3: Homeschooling
ILLEGAL. Thats right, that is not allowed here. The government requires that you must bring your child to public school/private school. It is a bit opposite because here public schools are considered better, and more prestigious.
. Green
People here are very green oriented. You MUST shut off the lights if you are not in the room. You must also absolutely separate all of your trash. I had a hard time adjusting to that one...but it makes total sense to me now. It would be great if the rest of the world did it too. They separate, paper-plastic-Bio-Cans-Glass.
5. Dinner Time? Nooo
Typical families eat one hot meal a day, and that is at about 2pm. It is not necessarily considered Lunch, but rather "mittag essen" afternoon food. People eat breakfast, and then bread at about 11, Mittag Essen at 2, and then what they call evening bread at about 8 or 9.
6. Movies
Do you remember when all of the movie stores went out of business? That never happened here, and redbox does not exist. Netflix just arrived to Germany in October, movie stores are still thriving. It is definitely like hopping in another time zone.
7. Sacred Sunday
On Sunday, you had better not have plans to mow your lawn, or have a party..because Sunday here is sacred. Stores are closed, and you are expected to keep quiet. (Random fact 24 hour places do not exist...and there is no fast food in my city) It is the relax day.
8. News
With the recent plane crash, Germans have access to information faster than the US news gets it. When the US breaking news comes in,it is about 5 hours behind mine. I think it is the fact checking and translating. I am sure its just the other way around when it happens in the US. What I found very interesting,is that German news is very modest. They did not show the faces of the family members on TV. They kept there a distance. I realized US news is a bit more aggressive, in capturing everything. Which is not a bad thing, but very different and interesting to see the differences.
9. English?
Everyone here can speak it..everyone. It is totally crazy, great at some points when you may be totally lost in a train station, but bad when people want to practice.
10. Cars
I take driving for granted!! Here the age to get a drivers license is 18. I have to ride my bike to school 2 miles everyday..through country roads. It is actually a great experience, and nice to be outside everyday. But totally different to what I was used to.
That just tasted like deer. But still a horrifying, gratifying, once in a life time experience.
Lets just all take a moment and cry, because that is what I almost did. It actually tastes like blood. I don't know what I was expecting.
Germany is treating me well! I am having a great time. :)))
2: Caller ID
Caller ID? Nope that one does not exists here. So then you may assume there is a lot of prank calling..but surprisingly not. There are actually a lot more phone stalkers.People who breath, dont talk, or just call and hang up. There are many campaigns here that encourage you to blow a whistle into the phone.Apparently this completely distorts on the other end. ...Am I too young to know something like this or is it just German? (I heard this also works for telemarketers...eeek)
3: Homeschooling
ILLEGAL. Thats right, that is not allowed here. The government requires that you must bring your child to public school/private school. It is a bit opposite because here public schools are considered better, and more prestigious.
. Green
People here are very green oriented. You MUST shut off the lights if you are not in the room. You must also absolutely separate all of your trash. I had a hard time adjusting to that one...but it makes total sense to me now. It would be great if the rest of the world did it too. They separate, paper-plastic-Bio-Cans-Glass.
5. Dinner Time? Nooo
Typical families eat one hot meal a day, and that is at about 2pm. It is not necessarily considered Lunch, but rather "mittag essen" afternoon food. People eat breakfast, and then bread at about 11, Mittag Essen at 2, and then what they call evening bread at about 8 or 9.
6. Movies
Do you remember when all of the movie stores went out of business? That never happened here, and redbox does not exist. Netflix just arrived to Germany in October, movie stores are still thriving. It is definitely like hopping in another time zone.
7. Sacred Sunday
On Sunday, you had better not have plans to mow your lawn, or have a party..because Sunday here is sacred. Stores are closed, and you are expected to keep quiet. (Random fact 24 hour places do not exist...and there is no fast food in my city) It is the relax day.
8. News
With the recent plane crash, Germans have access to information faster than the US news gets it. When the US breaking news comes in,it is about 5 hours behind mine. I think it is the fact checking and translating. I am sure its just the other way around when it happens in the US. What I found very interesting,is that German news is very modest. They did not show the faces of the family members on TV. They kept there a distance. I realized US news is a bit more aggressive, in capturing everything. Which is not a bad thing, but very different and interesting to see the differences.
9. English?
Everyone here can speak it..everyone. It is totally crazy, great at some points when you may be totally lost in a train station, but bad when people want to practice.
10. Cars
I take driving for granted!! Here the age to get a drivers license is 18. I have to ride my bike to school 2 miles everyday..through country roads. It is actually a great experience, and nice to be outside everyday. But totally different to what I was used to.
That just tasted like deer. But still a horrifying, gratifying, once in a life time experience.
Lets just all take a moment and cry, because that is what I almost did. It actually tastes like blood. I don't know what I was expecting.
Germany is treating me well! I am having a great time. :)))