After I arrived in Detroit, I had to wait for my checked bags, but finally I received them.As I walked off of the gate, I couldn't but help feel so thankful for that "pully thing". Hmm...but suddenly I could feel my hopes and dreams crushed. BY A BROKEN PULLY THING. The bag was so heavy that the pully could not do its job. It felt like a loose tooth, and from then on I dread having to carry it.As I tried to fix it, I set my phone on this table. I looked over to where I put it and noticed that I was not close enough to it that someone could just snag it. Thats when I realized I had the judgment of a 5 year old in such a weird emotional state. I ran over got my phone and resorted to carrying the pack.
My ticket had no specific gate on it, so I ended up asking this woman where I would end up going.She didn't really seem to end up being the person who knew her right or left, so instead she pointed different which ways and I ended up going the right direction, perhaps.So I ended up in this "mystical hallway" I remember my grandma talking about. It had so many fun colored lights, but the colors would drop to dark very quickly that ended up making me a bit dizzy. YEP. You guessed it right, I then entered the the twilight zone.
I came out in this large gate area, and had the choice of left or right, so I just went right and hoped I wouldn't end up utterly lost.I came to the point where I had to ask some woman at a random gate
what my gate was exactly called. She came across a bit sassy. Or that perhaps she just hated her job. After I asked her she said absolutely nothing. Like she didn't hear me, or like if she just ignored me..maybe I would go away. But I just stood there and looked her dead in the eye, and then she finally looked up the info. So, I was off to my gate, but she yelled to me minutes later, that I was going the wrong way. So now, I was off to my gate. I finally found the number,and thank goodness for those blazers, I finally found my way to the other students.
There were about 4 students there, and we got to some nice small talk. I figured then would be a good time to give my family a call. So I reached for my phone. Ohhh but that's right I HAD ENTERED THE TWILIGHT ZONE. My phone was no where to be seen. That's when I had to go through everything. But no phone.I then tried calling it with another students phone , but it was absolutely not with me. I know I was warned about pick pockets in Europe, but in Detroit?! Come on. So I had to leave all my luggage with these students I had known for 5 minutes, to find that phone. Definitely the utter disappointment of my day. But what was even worse, going back to that woman.
I hunted her down, but she was carrying a long conversation with some foreign woman. That's when I looked down and noticed that I dropped my rotary name tag there. Oh great I thought, what else have I dropped. This lady made me stand in line for quite a while, until the point where I didn't know if I should just interrupt her or get on my way looking somewhere else. Finally I just interrupted her, and after interrogating me on what it looked like. SHE HAD IT! Here is a shutout to my guardian angel, for watching my back.
After my long journey, I finally made it! To Amsterdam, and then to Hamburg thank goodness I stumbled upon the correct transport. I was fed 3 breakfasts that day, but all in all it was quite an adventure. So far my host family has been wonderful, and I really have enjoyed the food so far (I must add not the liver paste ). God bless you all for your prayers. Until my next adventure! xoxo
The Mystical Hallway The view to Detroit
My First photo in Europe
Some fellow Travelers
The first view of Germany
On the way to Hamburg
We were all so tired we thought this was hilarious
Just read this aloud to the roommates and I was laughing so hard I was crying. You made it! Proud of you! We learn from our mistakes and you get great stories out of them too. Love you!